How to let go of fear!

Fear is nothing but a state of anxiety operating at the ego level. It is waiting for something to happen by anticipating in the first place. Where our focus goes energy flows, so shift your focus away from fear and keep moving forward. If we keep fearing from our heart-centered we'll never be going to be free. We keep fearing of unknown or uncertainty, man-made doctrine, and laws. Don't give away your power to authoritative, pre-existing religious beliefs, those power Gurus. We are the Co-creator of our reality, feel it, and shift your perspective. We become our prisoner when we externalize our fear, so change your mind and start believing in it.

Fear emanates from the food. Feed your body and soul only karma free food by eating a vegan-based diet such as green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, living food such as sprouts, seaweeds, dried fruit, raw fermented foods, and raw blended foods, etc. The lifestyle we live impacts our fear-based mind. Open yourself to early morning walks, meditation, yoga, journaling, going into nature and connecting with the universe would lead to a healthy balanced life. The friends we have in our lives also impacts on our fear-based mentality, so it's important to connect with those who have our best interest and on whose company you evolve as a soul and who will bring positivity into your life. Listen to music that feeds your heart and soul and brings peace and harmony within. Social media and television is wholly an illusion, they told you things which they want you to know. Get out of this 3D reality, an elusive dream state and become authentic and true to who you are. Don't scroll the news feed all day long. Feed your eyes, body, mind, and soul only true and raw content.
All these fears are impacting our inner world. Take actions on your thoughts, ideas and change your reality. Don't contemplate and apprehend to be fear. The last, not the least we need to live in the present moment and let go of all the worries and fear.

Spreading love and light,


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