How to be true to yourself in the confusion of the life



You cannot be true to yourself from the drama and confusion surrounding unless you declutter from it.

If you are feeding your brain with everybody's opinions, expectations, judgment, reasoning you'll be in the spiral 🌀 of this unrest. Free your precious brain and bring peace into your life.

I discovered my true authentic self when I declutter from the outside world gradually because it needs gut to detach from everything. I stop blending with people who don't resonate with my true value. I am energetically out of the radar who does not accept my new version. I started generating healthy boundaries with those family members, relatives, friends, acquaintances, believers who do not bestow in my evolution. There are new people who will enter your life and resonate with your core values. It is very significant to release and let leave all those who are not a part of your journey further. Make space for new elements to come and enhance more integrity to your quest. 

Social Media detox at all degrees has helped me to stay in the present moment, it connects me with deeper emotions. I became aware of my thoughts, surrounding, and people. I am no longer stay in my past which doesn't exist and I no longer cherished my future as it is unknown. I am staying in the present moment as much as possible to be more conscious of my thoughts and being. 

Don't act in the state of competing others, looking good to others, giving always and pleasing people. Setting robust vicinities and taking back your power is what is imperative. By taking care of your desires and loving yourself first. Perfect yourself with all your strengths and flaws, there is no one who will make you complete.

If others dislike and do not accept you're true authentic self, accept it and let go;

 If they dislike your perceptions, impressions, and virtues, accept it and let go;

Others will portray at their soul level and within their inner critics. 


I have grown as a person so much within these five months of Worldwide Pandemic outburst. Whereas the whole world is cocooning under their roof out of fear and virus. I am compelled to come outside and face all kinds of people, places, things,  circumstances, situations, and events. I had to embrace everything that life has thrown at me. Encouraging everyone not to fear and feel depressed about this unprecedented moment. As there is an uncertainty of life, situations, and the future. Everybody is drag into this rabbit hole of depression, anxiety, unworthiness, unemployment, the end of what used to be a normal life.

There is nothing more ill fate than losing a dear one in the family at this point in a dark time. Life has taught me to have faith, trust, and positivity in diverse adversity. When you accept the fact, surrender to the universe, and allow blessings to come into, you started to feel peace within. As you perceive the harmony and composure within it will reflect in your outer reality.


Love, Light, and Peace always



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