How To Get Started With LIFE PURPOSE

i). If there is something in your mind for a long time and, you wanted to try for the first time don’t analyze the results and the consequences rather see if it is fruitful for the future.

ii). Just try and see for two months if you want to invest your time into it. For those who dream big but, there is not enough financial support from the family. Life tells us to have faith and patience and expect the unexpected. God’s grace pushes us to move forward in spite, of turmoil and roadblocks on the way.

iii). Let go, release & surrender off the things which are not serving good on your path. Be it your good friend of circle, schools, colleges, work or material possession which is hindering your productivity and forces. First, gain courage and strength to let go of all those things which are pulling you down and; release the cord which is binding you with all these, surrender to God, he will take care of the rest of the details.

iv). Stick to one project at a time in the initial stages and then, when you get the momentum, analyze and test the results at each of the months. When you have enough confidence and ample time to invest in other add-on projects, go for it.

v). Last, invest your time, energy, money, and soul into your project and see how it blossoms and grows into a big venture.

Much ❤ and light!


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