How Rich and Poor manifest money!

    • Rich buys things genuine for the future but the poor spend money on things which are not a basic necessity and end up selling those materials at the time of scarcity or trouble.
    • Rich people invest their money something intangible but poor likes to spend at pleasure/to show to the world that they are living a rich and at the moment.
    • Rich people keep their friend circle small and only allow successful and meaningful people into their lives, but the poor had no option of choosing their intimate friend circle. They connect to those who were also looking for fake relations.
    • Rich believes in simple living and high thinking, whereas weak spent money on trivial things to seek attention from people in social media.
    • Rich takes action for their future and thinks big, whereas poor procrastinate and think small.
    • Poor follow the crowd/matrix and Rich makes their path and people follow them.
    • Rich takes a calculated risk and focuses on opportunities, whereas poor indulge in day to day mundane life and focus on obstacles.
    • Rich takes radical action, uses the mind to create financial independence and abundance & poor has money on their mind.
    • Rich treats food as medicine like superfood and poor people treat food as fuel.
    • Rich provides value to the world by becoming a producer and producing things to the world. Poor people consume many things into life as a basic necessity and let the rich become richer.
    • Rich lives in the present and learns and grows. Poor misses good old days and thinks they already know everything.
    • Rich feels that beliefs materialize. The poor knows he is losing something.
    • Rich knows such people require you. Poor thinks the rich don’t require him.
    • Rich thinks about how to create more prosperity. Poor think about how to preserve more.
    • Rich believes money grows linearly because to invest more you must perform better, Poor think money grows exponentially because of leverage.



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