You are not the same person you were a year ago: 

You might not see the changes, in yourself in a year but, you will relate to individuals, circumstances, places, events most by testing, visualizing and comparing to actions you had taken on certain fashion is not the same the way you act now. You were not doing or indulging in things you’d did last summer. Your timeline has changed at a much higher level and shifted your perspective to find peace within yourself.

You have one close quality companion: 

A close quality friend is all you need for a lifetime. A friend who understands you both at the soul level and in the exterior. You stop mingling with former allies who do not resonate with you now and those companies don’t help in your evolution process. It helps you to concentrate on yourself, your life and the close communities around you. Moving out of the social media platform lets you invest and build a meaningful life for you. 

You strive for obedience: 

You turned to give value to time. You are aiming to live a routine life by throwing up on your old habits. You began leading a healthful living by eating fresh and not consuming junk food. You likely to connect with nature more often than ever and breathe fresh air, meditate and do yoga for your mind, body, and spirit. You are more connected to the universe, God, and source energy. You get out of the matrix and mundane kinds of stuff. You become more spiritual and connect to God through prayer daily...

You’re starting to trust God’s promises over your life more and more: 

By connecting with God in prayer every day, you started speculating in small blessings and abundance in your life. God is answering your prayer by giving signs and confirmation that He is keeping his promises to you in small miracles and blessings in your life and to your family. Keep faith unto Him and he will shower his abundance unto you in all means.

You’re walking towards your goals:

By evolving with the time and becoming a better version of yourself. Living with your communities and family in peace and harmony. Maintaining a healthy routine life and believing in God’s grace helps you to be successful in your life’s objectives and mission with no struggle and pain.

Love & Light Always!


  1. Very much relatable. Love your soul melting words. Keep inspiring. Keep writing.

    1. Deeply overwhelmed! Wishing same to you creative soul.


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