How to Unearth Heart's Deepest Intention and Discover Your Purpose

I took a conscious break from posting my thoughts for a while. I deeply felt an urge to do some inner reflection into my present life. The spiritual awakening has made me take receptive intentions and better decisions based on my healing journey. When you are willing to do the inner work that traumatic aspects of self begin to heal. It has given me insights into interpreting complex situations without many stampedes and take concrete decisions for radical action. We are not consciously aware of the mind and ego steering the wheel of life. Reverse psychology would induce a massive stance on the outer and inner world. The pessimistic mind the egotistical self is in an endless battle with the optimistic subconscious self. Relishing the journey is more conducive than the outcome. Every day is a learning process you became aware of the old contours so that you can open to new possibilities by creating new solutions with the acquired wisdom benefiting you and spreading awareness to others. N...