Hello Earthlings!

I am an Indian origin. I had an Arts stream, and peep’s called me Jenny or Hush Jeans. My parents gave me the name Shyamoli Handique. I am a simple being and enjoy every pleasure of life as a treasure. I love to be around with little innocent babies, dogs, cats, and nature.
After spending half of my mediocre life caught in a 9-5 job, my soul was urging for a drastic change and desperately wanted to elevate my perspective at a higher level, so I started believing in life again and engaging myself with things, places, events, and peoples close to one’s soul and nature. In that period, I put my thoughts, feelings, and emotions towards what life has to offer in my journals. Eventually, those journals kept shaped as long write-ups and engaging content to dwell on my blog.

I wasn’t a bookworm in my early days and hate studies but then; I started exploring books of every kind. I read books on Greatest Comeback, Human Nature, The Power of Subconscious Mind, The Alchemist, Books on Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence. I dived into deep on these topics reference to various other sources and believing in myself, that the wisdom and knowledge I gained and experienced throughout my life, I can now interpret fairly. Everybody comes in this lifetime to learn lessons and face the trial of tests thrown at you for our soul growth and evolution process.

I am new to the Blogger platform. I have always engaged in food blogging on my Instagram Page. I have tried my best to sum up all aspects of my life until now, no one knows what it stores in the future, so expect the unexpected. I have been penning down in Word press platform since last year and it has given an immense opportunity to share my thoughts with the world. I am overwhelmed by the response, but everything in life has to end somewhere, so here I am starting my journey again with you all.

I took the dare to share this inner knowing with you here. I hope you’ll encourage and support me on my journey. You can look at only what you can look at and what you can do is more than enough being true to who you are. Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect. Change your thought and change your destiny. This is the time to show to the world my thoughts, opinions, and views through my pages by that I am entering the gateway of ‘Law of Exchange’.

Love & Light Always! 


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