Signs of depressions & anxiety and how to overcome it!

Depressions and Anxiety is a desire to not in a present moment and by not enjoying the moment of life. Denying the wavelength of emotions that life has to offer. It is staying in a static or stagnant state where life seems to be in a standstill. It is about changing the choice or thought patterns. Overthinking cannot change anything; you need to build a healthy future by being in the present moment. Nor not trusting your intuition and capabilities and always taking advice and permission from others. Anxiety on working on your dreams. You got to start from somewhere, even if it is small. The fear-based voice from the back, making you anxious every minute you are not good enough, you can’t do it. When you do, there will be people along the way who will be your help, but you have to ask for it. Don’t practice in limiting beliefs and don’t act victim mentality and don’t believe in people's self-belief.

People suffering from social anxiety, where they try to fit in society, to become popular and liked by everybody and always competing with one another. Embrace your unique qualities, accept and enjoy your own company; and everybody outside you is an extension of your thoughts. When you are embracing yourself and calm within everything comes into one place and in an anxious state of mind, everything seems to be chaos. We have anxiety over our society based on race, color, creed, state, religion, language and country. We have accumulated so much hatred and dislikes against one another. In Emotional anxiety, people are constantly running away from themselves, putting a veil of the false musk of happiness instead of sadness and not being present in the moment.
You can't heal from trauma while you're in an environment that feeds the TRAUMA.

So, we need to let go and surrender to all levels of anxiety and depressions. Let live in the present moment by doing total body awareness and mindful meditation. The food we intake takes part in an important role in our life to bring positivity in every moment. Toxic foods increase the anxiety level while leafy green and vegan food detox your body, mind, and soul from every toxicity.

Somebody rightly said, “Depression is suppression”. A suppressed mind and thoughts cannot come out of that anxiety and depression, which is causing negativity and bad health to the body. A depressed person should seek the help of a therapist/counselor and surround themselves with good vibe individuals who always at a higher energy level. A person/individual less anxious when he/she accepts and loves themselves 100%. One should not control thoughts and past events relate to people, places and things. People should not resist their thoughts in terms of over-thinking something that would happen wrongly and be at that negative state of mind for too long. Strive your body, mind, and soul to positive thoughts and navigate your energy wisely, to yield a prosperous and abundant life.

Love and light!


  1. How enlightening! Mental health is vital to all and thus, productive discussions are a great read. Thanks for sharing! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. I appreciated! You take your valuable time and shared your views further.


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