I jolted into this concept today and intend to write about Indigo children and adults as I am an Indigo adult and a free spirit. Indigo’s said to have been born in the early 1960s and between the 1970s. The warrior types and leaders are here for some serious work and to help raise the vibration of the earth and to make a difference in the world. We know babies born from indigos called Crystals children and from them, Rainbow children and last not the least the New Age Millenia also called as Starseed’s. Indigo children are said to have extrasensory genes i.e., Micro-cephalin and ASPM both these genes regulate brain growth still research going on. They said to have profound focus and clarity when they tune in their gifts and not confronted by societal norms or anybody. They are a rebel at heart; it hard to manipulate them because they stand strong in their integrity and truth, super or fiercely independent, they love reading books on the Human mind, How to overcome obstacles and struggles, understanding human behavior and their relationships, books on Spiritual Intelligence. They have unique gifts of expressing themselves, wear weird clothing at their younger age. Considered being stubborn, spiritually in tune, highly intuitive and sensitive, they’ll sense what other person is thinking, their unique abilities in creativity, empathy and their ability to read minds, they have a strong sense of self-worth, a strong desire of their mission to raise the vibration of the earth to a higher level and the purpose in life is to make a difference in the world.
Indigos have a sixth sense or extrasensory abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairalience, claircognizance, and clairgustance. In the French language, the word “Clair” meaning “clear”. Usually, when these terms are referenced, they take on a spiritual or paranormal definition because they are senses that are extraordinary and not accepted by everybody. These extra senses allow an individual to see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and know things that the average individual normally cannot do with their ordinary senses. Below is a brief definition of each extra sense:
Clairvoyance is the ability to see things.
Clairaudience allows someone to hear things from a distance.
Clairsentience is the ability to feel objects, pain, and emotions of others. We consider a person with this gift is empathic.
Clairalience is the ability to smell things.
Claircognizance is the ability to know something without knowing how or why one knows the information.
Clairgustance is the ability to taste something with no physical object being placed in one’s mouth.
While some consider these types of special abilities as a gift, some look at it as a curse, especially those Indigo children who choose not to embrace these abilities they have given. They typically have some of these gifts, but not all of them, and this is especially true when they don’t understand what they are dealing with.
Indigos usually think outside of the box when they are at their creative level, possess certain wisdom and level of spiritual awareness beyond their years. Spiritualists referred to them as an “old soul” and feel trap as an old soul in a young body and they look a lot younger than their original age. They have a hard time fitting in because they came to earth to standalone and to make their world, nor fit in societal structure. They are highly eccentric, flamboyant, and way ahead of time in their thinking pattern. Extreme care for animals just like they care for humans, people often criticized them as anti-social and selfish because you just don’t fake it until you make it.
Indigo children and adults have unique gifts and talents; they have special abilities to hear colors and seeing sound. They are very aware and awake of their surroundings. They have a high probability of having a problem with authority or dogma; they have this urge to change the societal structure; They have a hard time performing in schools because of difficulty in following routines and patterns. We label them as ADD (attention deficit disorder), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), Bipolar (mood swings), and Autism (inability to feel and express emotions).
Spirituality is not what they practice, it is something in them when they realize the power within them and feel their spirit. They are introverts and live in their weird inner world. They welcome those into their life those who are resonating with them at the soul level.
Depressions and Anxiety is a desire to not in a present moment and by not enjoying the moment of life. Denying the wavelength of emotions that life has to offer. It is staying in a static or stagnant state where life seems to be in a standstill. It is about changing the choice or thought patterns. Overthinking cannot change anything; you need to build a healthy future by being in the present moment. Nor not trusting your intuition and capabilities and always taking advice and permission from others. Anxiety on working on your dreams. You got to start from somewhere, even if it is small. The fear-based voice from the back, making you anxious every minute you are not good enough, you can’t do it. When you do, there will be people along the way who will be your help, but you have to ask for it. Don’t practice in limiting beliefs and don’t act victim mentality and don’t believe in people's self-belief. People suffering from social anxiety, where they try to fit in society, ...
You are not the same person you were a year ago: You might not see the changes, in yourself in a year but, you will relate to individuals, circumstances, places, events most by testing, visualizing and comparing to actions you had taken on certain fashion is not the same the way you act now. You were not doing or indulging in things you’d did last summer. Your timeline has changed at a much higher level and shifted your perspective to find peace within yourself. You have one close quality companion: A close quality friend is all you need for a lifetime. A friend who understands you both at the soul level and in the exterior. You stop mingling with former allies who do not resonate with you now and those companies don’t help in your evolution process. It helps you to concentrate on yourself, your life and the close communities around you. Moving out of the social media platform lets you invest and build a meaningful life for you. You strive for ob...
God wants you to focus on Him right now! God will ask you to rest in Him–When you are in a state of confusion and distraction, you succumb to do sins such; addiction to drugs, alcohol, substance abuse, over-eating, seeking unnecessary attention, sex, obsession, envy, etc. Co-dependency implies low self-esteem, not worthy, victim mentality of ‘ Why Me’, too much dependence on others for even the smallest things in life. When you lose focus on your goal, aim, and stability in life. Refer to Isaiah 30: 15-18 in the Holy Bible. God is calling you to rejuvenate in Him–You lack spiritual productivity and slipped away from your path, for not having my time or a break from daily mundane routine, living a monotonous lifestyle, not meditating enough couldn’t go within and not putting efforts to do spiritual practice towards your soul, mind and the world. When circumstances, people, places kept you clinging onto the matrix. Refer to Scriptures, Exodus 20: 8-11: On the Sabbath, the s...
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