Greeting's All ❤ Turn off your data connection - Turn off the data for each social media app on your phone. Assemble every piece of the device until you need to call. Put down the phone and keep it away – Put the phone somewhere away from your sight. I like to place it in the dining hall to charge. In case, to receive a call while having dinner/lunch. Make some plans and spend quality alone time with yourself – I’ll go through my recent downloads to listen to that podcast was in my mind for quite some time but did not have time to listen. I’ll check those lists of books in the bookshelf to read. I’ll make advance dinner plans and on a particular menu. Spend time in grocery shopping; browse that certain culinary dish which I want to learn for quite some time now. Do something creative for the whole day – We are creative. Is it writing all way of your favorite niche? Take out your camera lens this weekend. Try to capture some wall paintings ...